Health and Safety Consulting

Policy Writing


safety rail

Section 2(3) of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 requires that employers who employ five or more people must produce a written safety policy.  The number of employees is the maximum number at any one time, whether they are full time, part-time or seasonal. 

This does not mean that smaller organisations with less than five employees need not have a safety policy - it simply means that it does not have to be written down. However, smaller organisations are increasingly being required by clients or prospective clients to produce a statement of intent for health and safety to demonstrate that they operate safely.

The safety policy itself is a statement of safety intent, and needs to be supported by a statement of the roles and responsibilities of those who implement it and the administrative arrangements that support it. 

This can be achieved by means of an organisational chart.  The policy should also be reviewed on a regular basis and all employees must be informed of any new or proposed changes etc.

Every organisation should have a clear policy for the management of health and safety so that all employees are aware of the organisation’s health and safety aims and objectives.

The law requires that a written health and safety policy should include the following:

Depending on the nature of the organisation and any associated risks the policy may need to be supported by more detailed arrangements usually in a manual or handbook.

The Occupational Safety and Health Consultants Register Institute of occupational safety & health International Institute of Risk and Safety Management City & Guilds accredited trainer Chartered Institute of Environmental Health